The Snoozeletter @

Facebook: Trolls driving you crazy? 

Are strangers posting Comments on your Public Timeline like this: "I like your ideas, please send me a friend request"?

Here's the way to muzzle them, without changing your overall account privacy to Friends-only:
Then click on "Followers and public content," and change this one setting ("Public post comments" in the mobile app) to anything but Public - you'll thank me later:

ALSO: Do you run a Facebook Page? Don't be fooled by trolls like this. The account will send you a message similar to the one below, which can be safely moved to the Spam folder. Here's the troll account that just tried to extort me:
•Last Warning⚠️
Your fanpage has received a copyright warning, you need to contact and confirm your page. If you do not confirm, our system will automatically block your account. Contact us for support: Your distribution will be limited if your Page is flagged repeatedly. If you do not contact us after 24 hours, the page will be unpublished to protect the community. (Automatic notification _ Please contact now.
