Facebook CLONE Wars.
ASK AL: "I just got a second Friend Request from one of my Facebook Friends. What should I do?"
AL SEZ: "Compare the new profile with the old one, then report the new profile to Facebook. They respond very quickly, and will usually zap the unauthorized CLONE in a matter of minutes."

You can then post the following message on your Friend's Timeline:
I've received a friend request from your clone, but I reported it:
and if your other friends also report the clone, Facebook should remove it soon. However, the cloning could continue happening (and confusing/annoying your friends), unless you change "Who can see your friends list?" from Public to Friends:
UPDATE: If your Friend was HACKED, send this link to her/his EMAIL address: https://www.facebook.com/help/203305893040179
and take these steps, on their account page that has been hijacked by a third party:

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